Friday, March 11, 2011

Liberals are opportunistic LIARS!

Liberals are opportunistic LIARS!

Robert Reich is a typical liberal.  Anything goes as long as it’s for something he wants.  Read his hypocrisy in regards to public use of "Reconciliation" measures and to his cries of “foul” over a perfectly legal and appropriate maneuver in rescinding Wisconsin’s Public Union’s authority to collective bargaining: 

Dr. Jekyl Reich:

Governor Scott Walker and his Wisconsin senate Republicans have laid bare the motives for their coup d'etat.... The American public may be divided over many things but we stand united behind our democratic process and the rule of law. And we reject coups in whatever form they occur.

Then, there's Mr. Hyde Reich:

Monday, Feb 22, 2010 10:23 ET

"Do it with 51 votes"
The 60-vote requirement for healthcare is made up.
51 is a majority, and it's all we need 
 By Robert Reich

1. Reconciliation is too extreme a measure to use on a piece of legislation
    so important.
    I hear this a lot but it’s bunk (highlights for emphasis)

2. Use of reconciliation would infuriate Senate Republicans. It may.
    So what?

My free advice to the President: If you want to get healthcare enacted you must use reconciliation and quickly.

Common Sense Commentary:

In truth, Reconciliation was completely inappropriate for Congress to directly confiscate and operate 17% of America’s free market GDP.  This "Reconciliation" specifically, by definition, involved extra-ordinary amounts and percentages of American Budget Funding.  Thus it was anti-thesis to everything the Reconciliation process was designed for.

Wisconsin's bureaucratic actions were taken exactly for the reasons those laws were made. To modify/resolve an existing bureaucratic issue.  There are no Collective Bargaining conferences on the table at this time. There are no planned Collective Bargaining Negotiations planned. This was strictly a Bureaucratic maneuver managing potential future events.

Like all liberals, Reich is a fraud, blowing in the wind whenever it suits his personal desires and with no respect for the Rule of Law, or for the Rights of Majorities in our Republic.  We see this hypocrisy in everything liberals "stand for".  That is, if being perniciously opportunistic is equivalent to "standing for principles".

Democrats, and therefore liberals, by their own definition from the party's nascent days in the 1800's and even back to the early 1700's were always focused on the political philosophy of Special Interests. This is based on the idea that only some people are equal, and others do not merit equality, rights, a voice, or protections.

The Democratic Party originated as a pro-slavery Special Interest party, and in fact they started the Civil War to expand their progressive special interest philosophies. Democrats created Jim Crow, the KKK, expanded both despite 100 years of Federal Republican efforts to create total equality throughout the American Society.  

Woodrow Wilson expanded Federal protections of Jim Crow and created Federal Employee Segregation.  FDR also greatly protected Jim Crow, while extending, and expanding Federal laws prohibiting the hiring of blacks.

Both John F Kennedy, and Lyndon Johnson voted against the Equal Rights Acts of 1957 and 1960, both supported Jim Crow for political opportunistic reasons, and both tried to undermine Martin Luther King, Jr, who was a life-time Republican.

Such is the depth of Liberal concerns for equality, equal rights under the law, and equal opportunity.

More on this in a few weeks in my blog series (below)

What Happened to America and Its Constitution?


1 comment:

  1. Liberals supported Reconciliation when they confiscated 17% of America’s free market GDP. But, they don't like it when used legally and properly as an Administrative tool. Read their own words on this!
